The Go Guide
Getting On After Getting Out: A ReEntry Guide for Colorado 6th Edition
Sixth Edition copyright 2021 ISBN: 978-0-9709835-0-3
Publisher: Colorado Criminal Justice Reform Coalition
This 260 page book provides extensive information to help people prepare for release and successfully reintegrate back into their families and communities. This publication is helpful for people involved in the criminal justice system, their families, community service providers and criminal justice professionals.
Table of Contents [PDF]
How to Order
Price $10.00 (plus $3.50 shipping)
INSTRUCTIONS: You can order Getting On After Getting Out in several ways:
- Copies of Getting On After Getting Out are available for purchase at the CCJRC office. Please call (303) 825-0122 or email for pick-up times. You can pay by cash, check, money order or credit card.
- To order by mail, print the order form and mail it to CCJRC at 821 22nd St, Denver, CO 80205. You can pay by check, money order or credit card. Your order will be processed when payment is received. Mail In Order Form [PDF] or Mail In Order Form Word [.DOC]
- To order over the phone, call CCJRC at (303) 825-0122. Please have your credit card information available.
- To order online and pay by credit card, complete the form on our secure webpage. Credit cards are charged when your order is shipped.
Note: Quantity discounts are available. Please contact Pam at CCJRC: (303) 825-0122 or email.
PLEASE BE ADVISED: If you are ordering this guide and want it mailed to someone in the Colorado Department of Corrections, CCJRC needs to mail the guide to him/her directly. AR 300-38 says that only the publisher, bookstore or other approved source of supply can mail books to people in prison.

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Incarceration Crisis in Colorado
Over the past 35 years, the state prison budget has exploded by almost 1288% and we’ve seen an unprecedented growth in the prison population.

People Impacted
When you combine the closing of mental health facilities with a war on drugs, you get an enormous ripple effect across our communities.

Public Safety That Works
We’re often ignoring alternative strategies that do work to prevent crime. For example, research shows that higher levels of household income are associated with lower rates of intimate partner violence against women.

Compromising Our Children’s Futures
The unprecedented growth in prison spending is one of the reasons that Colorado ranks at the bottom of states for public investment in education.