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CCJRC Annual Fundraiser,
Mile High Station: Wednesday, September 10, 2025,
Mile High Station in Denver, Colorado
- Click here to learn more about sponsorship opportunities and donating auction items and purchasing tickets! Come join us for an evening of cocktails and cuisine and our wonderful Silent Auction. A huge thank you to all of our Sponsors!!
Press Room
CCJRC is available to be a resource for community organizations, policymakers, students and anyone else who wants to be deeply informed about statistics, budgets, criminal justice policy and the intersection between the overuse of the criminal justice system and other impacts on education, healthcare, families, racial disparity, collateral consequences of a criminal conviction and many other topics. There are many resources available to assist journalists seeking information about CCJRC and our work. To learn more visit Did You Know?
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Incarceration Crisis in Colorado
Over the past 35 years, the state prison budget has exploded by almost 1288% and we’ve seen an unprecedented growth in the prison population.

People Impacted
When you combine the closing of mental health facilities with a war on drugs, you get an enormous ripple effect across our communities.

Public Safety That Works
We’re often ignoring alternative strategies that do work to prevent crime. For example, research shows that higher levels of household income are associated with lower rates of intimate partner violence against women.

Compromising Our Children’s Futures
The unprecedented growth in prison spending is one of the reasons that Colorado ranks at the bottom of states for public investment in education.